August 31, 2024
Add BuyMeACoffee widget support.
May 17, 2023
New homepage UI:
New main banner.
New slider.
New navigation bar with:
Share personal place with a personalized OG image.
Menu dropdown with all the places created. Easy access.
Fork place: Copy the current place keeping notes and pomodoro settings.
Toggle theme.
New playlist UI:
Remove gifs animation wich reduce the bandwidth.
Replace them for more intuitive buttons. No more scroll.
New playing indicator.
Add pomodoro timer to tab title Issue #15:
When the pomodoro is ticking, the timer shows in tab. No more tab change to see the time.
March 26, 2023
March 16, 2023
A new design for the homepage, includes a new font for the titles, direct links to your daily places, access to social networks. It also includes a brief list of the application tool and instructions on how the information is stored.
March 13, 2023
New color schema by
Add DatoCMS as changelog provider.
Change key shortcut for set pomodoro mode.
Remove Delete all tasks and Order tasks if tasks are 2 or more.
Convert tasks links to anchors.
Update current hour in realtime.
Add react-player as YouTube playlsit player.
Add volume support.
Add support to mix soundtracks at same time.
Add Vercel Analytics.
Add new twitter account link.
Fix count wall time instead of CPU time Issue #9.
March 7, 2023
Fix: CSS 'break-word' in tasks.
Add edit support to tasks.
Store place names to show in homepage. Add support to remove them.
Add notification system.
Add hotkeys support.
Add ASMR sound.
Add support.
Replace cloudinary for imagekit.
Add 'delete all tasks' button.
February 28, 2023
Now the sounds come from youtube videos, and can be played one at a time. This makes them longer, less repetitive and can be listened to for hours.
Add Vaporwave/Lofi/Synthwave sound.
Add ▶️⏸️ Play/pause controls.
Transform .gif to .webm to reduce size and load times.
February 27, 2023
Layout improvement.
Add Github repository link in footer.
Add move done tasks down icon in To-Do.
Add scroll support in To-Do to prevent a long list of tasks.
February 24, 2023
🔃 Support to re-order tasks.
Replace checkboxs in To-Do list to prevent flicker when drag-n-drop.
Add our own primary colors.
Replace RingProgress with step bar in To-Do list.
Re-ordered welcome header titles.
Fix: theme mode persist.
Add Google Analytics.
Add button to restart daily pomodoro's.
Add Cloudinary CDN for sounds and covers.
February 20, 2023
February 17, 2023
The objective of is to have within reach of a single page the necessary tools to be able to have a space for concentration.
Also, timer settings and to-do list are saved to browser storage under the name you choose for your place. As long as you don't clean up your storage or use the incognito app, your settings will be available.
Music list with different ambient modes (rain, forest, lo-fi, coffee shop, etc.)
Pomodoro timer with short and long pause, fully configurable.
To-do list with progress ring.
☀️ Light and 🌑 dark mode.
Configurable name + daily greeting and current time and date.